The Power of Choosing Joy with Wigs
While you're celebrating this holiday season, celebrate joy this year There's joy in every smile finding the right style, and each bit of that joy is why we do what we do.

Your Stories
(Wearing: Simmer by Raquel Welch in RL12/22SS)
I have not always been in a place of joy and confidence when it comes to alternative hair, however. For example, I used to be extremely self-conscious when others would compliment my “hair”. I felt like everyone was looking at me and could tell I had a wig on. I wouldn’t even allow myself to accept the simple gift of a compliment because I was so unsure of myself! Thankfully I learned to embrace wearing wigs and have learned how to gracefully accept compliments when I get them (because even though it’s a wig, it is still MY hair!)

I’m currently undergoing treatment for triple negative breast cancer at the age of 37, I was finding that I was loosing my sense of self as I was loosing my hair and soon to loose my breasts with a double mastectomy. Wearing a wig allows me to not stand out and helps me to remove the label of cancer. It gives me a sense of normalcy and femininity that is hard to find these days. When I put on my wig I feel like I can conquer the day. And what’s best about that is that my four children can see how strong their momma is and I hope that through this journey they too will build their own strength and resiliency to deal with anything life throws their way.
(Wearing: Sweet Talk by Gabor in Caramel)
... Every time I turned, I noticed someone staring at me with my cap on. I was so uncomfortable and self conscious that I went home and immediately started googling wigs. That’s how I found and honestly, I’ve never looked back. The first time I put a wig on, I cried. I felt like myself again. It’s been 3 years since I first started losing my hair and I’m starting to come to terms with it and go bald a little more around family and friends. But I still wear wigs almost every day and love the ability to change out styles and colors whenever I feel like it :)

I suffer from alopecia. My sister died of breast cancer 22 years ago and I watched her hair fall out from chemo several times and she always said it was better than the alternative so for years after she died I really didn't let my thinning hair bother me but then it became more of an issue as I tried to color and cover it up. Finally a friend who also wears a wig encouraged me to buy one. I did and I haven't looked back sense. I have a whole new sense of self confidence and feel beautiful.