Klassischer Schnitt | HF-Kunsthaarperücke (Mono-Krone)
Raquel Welch
CLASSIC CUT by Raquel Welch in RL8/29 GLAZED HAZELNUT	Rich Medium Brown with Ginger Highlights on Top FB MAIN IMAGE
Klassischer Schnitt | HF-Kunsthaarperücke (Mono-Krone)
Raquel Welch
$289.00 $245.99 - $254.99
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Raquel Welch

Klassischer Schnitt | HF-Kunsthaarperücke (Mono-Krone)

Klassischer Schnitt | HF-Kunsthaarperücke (Mono-Krone)

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
65 Reviews
Normaler Preis $245.99
Normaler Preis $289.00 Verkaufspreis $245.99
RL2/4 OFF BLACK | Black Evenly Blended with Dark Brown Highlights
RL4/6 BLACK COFFEE | Dark Brown Evenly Blended with  Medium Brown
RL6/30 COPPER MAHOGANY | Medium Brown Evenly Blended with Medium Auburn
RL6/8 DARK CHOCOLATE | Medium Brown Evenly Blended with Warm Medium Brown
RL5/27 GINGER BROWN | Warm Medium Brown Evenly Blended with Medium Golden Blonde
RL6/28 BRONZED SABLE | Medium Brown Evenly Blended with Medium Ginger Blonde
RL8/29 HAZELNUT | Warm Medium Brown Evenly Blended with Ginger Blonde
RL10/12 SUNLIT CHESTNUT | Light Chestnut Brown Evenly Blended with Light Brown
RL11/25 GOLDEN WALNUT | Medium Light Brown Evenly Blended with Medium Golden Blonde
RL12/16 HONEY TOAST | Light Brown Evenly Blended with Dark Natural Blonde
RL13/88 GOLDEN PECAN | Dark Golden Blonde Evenly Blended with Pale Blonde
RL14/22 SHADED WHEAT | Dark Blonde Evenly Blended with Platinum Blonde and Dark Roots
RL14/25 HONEY GINGER | Dark Blonde Evenly Blended with Medium Golden BlondE
RL16/88 PALE GOLDEN HONEY | Dark Natural Blonde Evenly Blended with Pale Golden Blonde
RL19/23 BISCUIT | Light Ash Blonde Evenly Blended with Cool Platinum Blonde
RL33/35 DEEPEST RUBY | Dark Auburn Evenly Blended with Ruby Red
RL32/31 CINNABAR | Medium Dark Auburn Evenly Blended with Medium Light Auburn
RL31/29 FIERY COPPER | Medium Light Auburn Evenly Blended with Ginger Blonde
RL30/27 RUSTY AUBURN | Medium Auburn Evenly Blended with Strawberry Blonde
RL29/25 GOLDEN RUSSET | Ginger Blonde Evenly Blended with Medium Golden Blonde
RL511 SUGAR CHARCOAL | Salt and Pepper
RL56/60 SILVER MIST | Lightest Gray Evenly Blended with Pure White
RL12/22SS SHADED CAPPUCCINO | Light Golden Brown Evenly Blended with Cool Platinum Blonde Highlights and Dark Roots
RL14/22SS - Shaded Wheat - Warm Reddish Blonde With Light Blonde Highlights and Medium Brown Roots
RL19/23SS SHADED BISCUIT | Light Ash Blonde Evenly Blended with Cool Platinum Blonde and Dark Roots

Classic Cut von Raquel Welch hat eine einfache Silhouette, ist aber alles andere als gewöhnlich. Diese schulterlange Perücke aus Tru2Life-Faser kann glatt, lockig oder gewellt getragen werden. Der volle Pony und die Monofilament- Krone sorgen für ein wunderbar natürliches Finish. Auch in Grautönen erhältlich, wunderschöne Grautöne!


  • Memory Cap II Base – Eine Memory Cap, die sich die Form Ihres Kopfes merkt, um Ihnen ein Höchstmaß an Tragekomfort und Passform zu bieten.
  • Monofilament-Krone : Erzeugt die Illusion eines natürlichen Haarwuchses an der gescheitelten Stelle.
  • Glatte Klettbänder - ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Kappe bis zu einem halben Zoll zu lockern oder festzuziehen
  • Hitzefreundliche Faser von Tru2Life - Sieht aus und fühlt sich an wie menschliches Haar und kann mit Hitzewerkzeugen gestylt werden. Für optimale Ergebnisse empfehlen wir für das Styling von hitzebeständigen Fasern eine Temperatur zwischen 135 °C und 152 °C.
    DEPARTMENTWomen's Wigs
    BRANDRaquel Welch
    COLLECTIONSignature Collection
    CAP DESIGNMono Crown, Wefted / Basic
    CAP SIZEAverage
    HAIR FIBERHeat Friendly Synthetic Wigs
    TEXTUREHeat Friendly Wigs
    MEASUREMENTSFront: 4" | Crown: 10.25" | Sides: 7" | Nape: 3.5"
    PRODUCT WEIGHT2.75 oz.


    Kundenfreundliche Rücksendungen

    ✓ 45 Tage (ab ursprünglichem Versanddatum)

    ✓ 0 $ Wiedereinlagerungsgebühr (keine Gebühren, im Ernst!)

    ✓ Schnelle Rückerstattungen (auf Ihre ursprüngliche Zahlungsmethode)

    ✓ Vorausbezahltes Versandetikett* (oder verwenden Sie Ihr eigenes)

    *Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie in den Geschäftsbedingungen .

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    Schützen Sie Ihre Pakete in den USA vor Verlust, Diebstahl oder Beschädigung.*

    • Beim Transport verloren gegangen
    • Vor der Haustür gestohlen
    • Beschädigte Pakete

    *Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie in den Geschäftsbedingungen .

    Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
    Based on 65 reviews
    Total 5 star reviews: 37 Total 4 star reviews: 8 Total 3 star reviews: 9 Total 2 star reviews: 4 Total 1 star reviews: 7
    69%would recommend this product
    Does the style match the picture?Rated 1.0 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
    Is the cap true to size?Rated 0.4 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
    How would you describe the density? Rated -0.7 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
    65 reviews
    • BA
      Brenda A.
      Verified Buyer
      I recommend this product
      Would you recommend this style? Yes
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars
      3 weeks ago
      Love this wig.

      Loved this wig so much that I purchased a second wig in another color.

    • CJ
      Cathy J.
      Verified Buyer
      Rated 3 out of 5 stars
      1 month ago
      Nice wig, just not for me

      This Raquel Welch wig is probably a fine wig but it was just not right for me. I couldn’t get it to lay right on my head, the mono crown looked more like a cowlick and the cap construction felt strange to touch. I know the heat, friendly fibers could be worked with and probably make a decent wig, but I am not good at that kind of thing and want a new wig to look great out of the box. This one was not “IT” for me.

    • CD
      Constance D.
      Verified Buyer
      I recommend this product
      Would you recommend this style? Yes
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars
      1 month ago
      Love it!

      This is my second purchase of this wig style. I tried a new color. They really do only take 10 seconds to put on and style.

    • A
      Flag of United States
      Verified Buyer
      Would you recommend this style? No
      Rated 3 out of 5 stars
      1 year ago

      Just wasn't right for me

    • D
      Flag of United States
      Verified Buyer
      I recommend this product
      Would you recommend this style? Yes
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars
      1 year ago
      Love it!

      I thought I'd found the perfect wig with a different brand but now THIS one is my perfect wig! It is very lightweight while still completely covering the wefts. The ear tabs are just slightly too large but I can still wear the wig with the sides tucked behind my ears and it looks natural. The cap isn't itchy at all and the wig isn't overly shiny. Most importantly, it doesn't have the poof on top that makes other wigs obviously look like a wig. I love this one!

      I bought the RL12/16 Honey Toast. My wig doesn't have as much auburn as the picture shows and I'm happy with the color, the highlighting is subtle and beautifully done.

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