Locken-Appeal | Synthetische Lace-Front-Perücke (Basic Cap)
CURL APPEAL by Gabor in GL8-29 HAZELNUT | Coffee Brown with Soft Ginger Highlights PPC MAIN IMAGE FB MAIN IMAGE
Locken-Appeal | Synthetische Lace-Front-Perücke (Basic Cap)
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Locken-Appeal | Synthetische Lace-Front-Perücke (Basic Cap)

Locken-Appeal | Synthetische Lace-Front-Perücke (Basic Cap)

Rated 3.8 out of 5 stars
23 Reviews
Normaler Preis $200.99
Normaler Preis $236.00 Verkaufspreis $200.99
GL 1-2 Double Espresso | True black
GL 2-6 Black Coffee | Darkest brown
GL 4-8 DARK CHOCOLATE | Rich Dark Brown
GL 6-30 MAHOGANY | Dark Brown with soft Copper Highlights
GL 8-10 DARK CHESTNUT | Rich, Dark Brown with Coffee Highlights
GL 8-29 HAZELNUT | Coffee Brown with Soft Ginger Highlights
GL10-12 SUNLIT CHESTNUT | Rich Brown with Caramel Highlights
GL18-23 TOASTED PECAN | Ash Brown with Cool Blonde Highlights
GL10-14 WALNUT | Dark Ash Blonde
GL 11-25 HONEY PECAN | Darkest Blonde with Pale Gold Highlights
GL16-27 BUTTERED BISCUIT | Medium Blonde with Light Gold Highlights
GL12-14 MOCHA | Dark Blonde with Medium Blonde Highlights
GL12-16 GOLDEN WALNUT | Dark Blonde with Cool Highlights
GL14-16 HONEY TOAST | Dark Blonde with Golden Highlights
GL14-22 SANDY BLONDE | Golden Blonde with Palest Blonde Highlight
GL15-26 BUTTERED TOAST | Medium Blonde with Light Blonde Highlights
GL23-101 SUN-KISSED BEIGE | Beige Blonde with Platinum Highlights
GL27-22 CARAMEL | Reddish Blonde with Pale Gold Highlights
GL 27-29 CHOCOLATE CARAMEL | Dark Ginger Blonde
GL 29-31 RUSTY AUBURN | Medium Auburn with Subtle Ginger Highlights
GL 30-32 DARK COPPER | Copper Red
GL 33-130 SANGRIA | Intense Fiery Red
GL 8-29SS HAZELNUT | Coffee Brown with soft Ginger highlights
GL11-25SS HONEY PECAN | Chestnut Brown base blends into multi-dimensional tones of Brown and Golden Blonde
GL14-16SS HONEY TOAST | Chestnut Brown base blends into multi-dimensional tones of Medium Brown and Dark Golden Blonde
GL14-22SS SANDY BLONDE | Dark Golden Blonde base blends into multi-dimensional tones of Medium Gold Blonde and Light Beige Blonde
GL15-26SS BUTTERED TOAST | Chestnut Brown base blends into multi-dimensional tones of Medium Brown and Golden Blonde
GL16-27SS SS BUTTERED BISCUIT | Caramel Brown base blends into multi-dimensional tones of Light Brown and Wheaty Blonde
GL23-101 SUN-KISSED BEIGE | Beige Blonde with Platinum Highlights
GL29-31SS SS RUSTY AUBURN | Chocolate Brown base blends into multi-dimensional tones of medium Copper and Amber

Die Curl Appeal von Gabor ist eine herrliche, gut sitzende Lockenperücke , wie Sie sie sich schon immer gewünscht haben. Kann in glatten Spiralen gestylt oder für einen weicheren, volleren Effekt aufgeplustert werden. Bietet eine 1 Zoll tiefe Spitzenfront mit offener Tressenspitze für eine leichte und coole Passform. Sehen Sie sich das Video zu Gabor Curl Appeal an und lesen Sie unten die Kundenrezensionen zu Perücken!


  • Von Schläfe zu Schläfe transparente, 2,5 cm tiefe Spitzenfront
  • Offenes Schussoberteil für eine leichte, kühle Passform
  • Belastbares Stretchmaterial an der gesamten Kappenbasis für eine individuelle Passform
  • Mit Samt gefütterte Ohrlaschen
  • Mit Samt gefütterter verlängerter Nacken
  • Ultradünne Versteller im Nacken für eine individuelle Passform

CAP DESIGNLace Front, Wefted / Basic
HAIR FIBERSynthetic Wigs
TEXTUREWavy / Curly Wigs
MEASUREMENTSFront: 8.25” | Crown: 10” | Side: 7” | Back: 10” | Nape: 10"


Kundenfreundliche Rücksendungen

✓ 45 Tage (ab ursprünglichem Versanddatum)

✓ 0 $ Wiedereinlagerungsgebühr (keine Gebühren, im Ernst!)

✓ Schnelle Rückerstattungen (auf Ihre ursprüngliche Zahlungsmethode)

✓ Vorausbezahltes Versandetikett* (oder verwenden Sie Ihr eigenes)

*Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie in den Geschäftsbedingungen .

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Rated 3.8 out of 5 stars
Based on 23 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 12 Total 4 star reviews: 4 Total 3 star reviews: 1 Total 2 star reviews: 3 Total 1 star reviews: 3
70%would recommend this product
Does the style match the picture?Rated -2.0 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
Is the cap true to size?Rated -2.0 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
23 reviews
  • A
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I do not recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? No
    Rated 2 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Probably wouldn’t buy again

    The wigs looked…well..like wigs. Not natural. Will be returning them

  • BK
    Bonnie K.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I do not recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? No
    Rated 1 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Not as pictured

    False advertising. Top of wig is flat not curly. Very deceiving and dishonest. Do not do business with this company

  • S
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    2 years ago
    Nobody can tell it's a wig

    When it arrived, about 4-5 days after ordering, it was very curly. I followed the instructions to shake it out and I did run my fingers through it to separate it. I also created a very make shift part to more closely resemble my former hair. The color is beautiful. It doesn't look fake at all. This is my first wig, so I am not an expert. It took a couple wears to get the style I wanted. It is a little small for my head but that gives a fit that I am not worried it will move. I still have some natural hair and I used a wig cap underneath. I had naturally curly hair my whole life, this wig brings that back for me. Great length and I am overall very satisfied. I would not be afraid to try another curly wig in the future.

  • A
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I do not recommend this product
    Rated 1 out of 5 stars
    3 years ago
    It looks like a wig

    As always, I tried on the wig, took pictures, and sent to friends. They all said it looked like I was wearing a wig, and they are all used to me wearing many different wigs. I wish this had worked, because the curls are very close to my natural hair, which I do miss sometimes.

  • JB
    Jacquelyn B.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 4 out of 5 stars
    3 years ago

    I love the wig but the color was off, it did not look anything like the color I selected. I will buy again in a different color.

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