easiPart HD 18" | HF-Synthetikhaar-Topper (Mono-Top)
Jon Renau
EASIPART HD 18" by easihair in 12FS8 SHADED PRALINE | Light Gold Blonde & Pale Natural Blonde Blend, Shaded with Dark Brown PPC MAIN IMAGE FB MAIN IMAGE
easiPart HD 18" | HF-Synthetikhaar-Topper (Mono-Top)
Jon Renau
$304.00 $136.99 - $272.99
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Jon Renau

easiPart HD 18" | HF-Synthetikhaar-Topper (Mono-Top)

easiPart HD 18" | HF-Synthetikhaar-Topper (Mono-Top)

Rated 3.8 out of 5 stars
90 Reviews
Normaler Preis $258.99
Normaler Preis $304.00 Verkaufspreis $258.99
1B HOT FUDGE | Soft Black
4/33 CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY TRUFFLE | Dark Brown & Medium Red Blend
FS4/33/30A MIDNIGHT COCOA | Dark Brown, Medium Red, Medium Natural Red Blonde/Brown Blend with Medium Natural Red Blonde/Brown Blend Bold Highlights
6/33 RASPBERRY TWIST | Brown & Natural Red Blend
6F27 CARAMEL RIBBON | Brown with Light Red-Gold Blonde Highlights & Tips
FS6/30/27 TOFFEE TRUFFLE | Brown, Medium Red-Gold, Medium Red-Gold Blonde Blend with Medium Red Gold Blonde Bold Highlights
8 COCOA | Medium Brown
8/30 COCOA TWIST | Medium Brown & Medium Red-Gold Blend
10H24B ENGLISH TOFFEE | Light Brown with 20% Light Gold Blonde Highlights
12/30BT ROOTBEER FLOAT | Light Gold Brown & Medium Red-Gold Blend with Medium Red-Gold Tips
FS2V/31V CHOCOLATE CHERRY | Black/Brown Violet, Medium Red/Violet Blend with Red/Violet Bold Highlights
27B PEACH TART | Light Gold-Red Blonde
33 BOYSENBERRY TREAT | Medium Natural Red
31/26 MAPLE SYRUP | Medium Natural Red Brown & Medium Red-Gold Blonde Blend
14/24 CREME SODA | Medium Natural-Ash Blonde & Light Natural Blonde Blend
22MB POPPY SEED | Light Ash Blonde & Light Natural Gold Blonde Blend
613 WHITE CHOCOLATE | Pale Natural Gold Blonde
24B/27CS10 SHADED BUTTERSCOTCH | Light Gold Blonde & Medium Red-Gold Blonde Blend, Shaded with Light Brown
FS26/31S6 SALTED CARAMEL | Medium Natural Red Brown with Medium Red Gold Blonde Bold Highlights, Shaded with Brown
24B18S8 SHADED MOCHA | Medium Natural Ash Blonde & Light Natural Gold Blonde Blend, Shaded with Medium Brown
24B613S12 SHADED BUTTER POPCORN | Medium Natural Ash Blonde & Pale Natural Gold Blonde Blend and Tipped, Shaded with Light Gold Brown
14/26S10 SHADED PRALINES N' CREAM | Light Gold Blonde & Medium Red-Gold Blonde Blend, Shaded with Light Brown
12FS8 SHADED PRALINE | Light Gold Brown, Light Natural Gold Blonde & Pale Natural Gold-Blonde Blend, Shaded with Medium Brown
12FS12 MALIBU BLONDE | LIght Gold Brown, Light Natural Gold Blonde, Pale Natural Gold-Blonde Blend, Shaded with Light Gold Brown
22F16S8 VENICE BLONDE | Light Ash Blonde and Light Natural Blonde Blend Shaded with Medium Brown
FS24/102S12 LAGUNA BLONDE | Light Natural Gold Blonde with Pale Natural Gold Blonde Bold Highlights, Shaded with Light Gold Brown
FS17/101S18 PALM SPRINGS BLONDE | Light Ash Blonde with Pure White Natural Violet Bold Highlights, Shaded with Dark Natural Ash Blonde
easiPart HD 18 Zoll von easi hair ist ein Haarteil zum Anklipsen, das auf der Oberseite des Kopfes und entlang des Scheitels nahtloses Volumen und Abdeckung verleiht. Die easiPart-Basis besteht aus einer feinen handgebundenen Monofilament-Basis mit den Maßen 5 x 2 ¾ Zoll. easiPart ist ideal, um dünner werdendes Haar entlang des Scheitels zu verbergen. Die Lage und Abdeckung verleihen Volumen und Dicke und können verwendet werden, um das Haarwachstum zwischen Farbbehandlungen abzudecken.

Sie wenden es mit den 4 druckempfindlichen Clips an und richten den Scheitel an Ihrem Haaransatz aus. Die HD Heat Defiant-Faser sieht aus wie menschliches Haar und ist in von Friseursalons inspirierten Farbtönen mit Ansätzen und Highlights erhältlich. Sie kann mit einem Glätteisen oder Lockenstab mit Hitze gestylt werden, sodass sich die Mischung perfekt verblenden lässt. Die Haarlänge beträgt 18 Zoll und hat die perfekte Dichte, um Fülle zu erzeugen, ohne sperrig oder auffällig zu wirken. easiPart verbessert Ihr Haar auf natürliche Weise und lässt es gesund, voluminös und lang aussehen. Niemand würde jemals vermuten, dass Sie es tragen!

  • Einzigartige Basisgröße – Perfekt, um Fülle zu verleihen, dünner werdendes Haar zu verbergen oder nachwachsendes Haar zwischen den Farbvorgängen abzudecken.
  • Geschweißte Monofilamentbasis – Die Basis ist handgeknüpft, um den Anschein natürlichen Haarwuchses zu erwecken, was eine Vielseitigkeit beim Scheitel ermöglicht und durch seine Transparenz zu allen Hauttönen passt.
  • Polyurethan-Umrandung - Ein Polyurethan-Streifen verläuft um den Umfang der Basis und enthält 4 druckempfindliche Clips. Die Clips können entfernt werden, damit Klebstoff aufgetragen werden kann.
  • HD-Hochtemperatur-Kunstfaser – Die ultrafeinen HD-Fasern sehen aus und fühlen sich an wie menschliches Haar. Diese Faser kann mit thermischen Styling-Tools mit Hitze gestylt werden. Für optimale Ergebnisse empfehlen wir, hitzefreundliche Fasern bei einer Temperatur zwischen 275 °F und 300 °F zu stylen.

ANWENDUNG: Platzieren Sie es etwas hinter Ihrem Haaransatz und toupieren Sie die Haarwurzel, um es zu verblenden.

DEPARTMENTWomen's Hair Toppers
BRANDJon Renau
COLLECTIONTopper Collection
BASE DESIGNMonofilament
HAIR FIBERHeat Friendly Synthetic Hair Toppers
TEXTUREHeat Friendly Hair Toppers


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✓ 45 Tage (ab ursprünglichem Versanddatum)

✓ 0 $ Wiedereinlagerungsgebühr (keine Gebühren, im Ernst!)

✓ Schnelle Rückerstattungen (auf Ihre ursprüngliche Zahlungsmethode)

✓ Vorausbezahltes Versandetikett* (oder verwenden Sie Ihr eigenes)

*Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie in den Geschäftsbedingungen .

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Rated 3.8 out of 5 stars
Based on 90 reviews
Total 5 star reviews: 42 Total 4 star reviews: 14 Total 3 star reviews: 15 Total 2 star reviews: 11 Total 1 star reviews: 8
62%would recommend this product
Does the style match the picture?Rated 1.0 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
Is the base design accurate to the specifications listed?Rated 1.3 on a scale of minus 2 to 2
90 reviews
  • TJ
    T J.
    Verified Buyer
    Would you recommend this style? No
    Rated 3 out of 5 stars
    3 months ago
    Easi-part? No-part

    This is my first hair topper so maybe I just don’t know what I’m doing… But, I feel disappointed because the name of this topper is “easi part” but it doesn’t look like there’s any-part. It’s just all hair on top … no “part” whatsoever which to me looks completely fake.

  • LH
    Linda H.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? Yes
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Gorgeous Topper

    This is a beautiful topper. Good quality. I was dying to wear it but the color was a little lighter than my hair. I will try again with a slightly darker shade! Can't wait to get it. Also, it was an easy return - which is very important. :)

  • R
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    Would you recommend this style? No
    Rated 3 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    First hair topper

    I felt the need to write a review because this was my first hair topper purchase. I purchased color 1B 18inch. I bought another from Amazon that arrived on the same day in case this one didn’t arrive in time but I actually like the Amazon one more. My main issue with this one is that the clip in the front pretty obviously shows - you can see the shine from the frontal clip so it doesn’t look natural, unlike my Amazon one where the clips were more on the sides so I could blend the topper part with my natural hair part. In addition, since I got a dark color it came with dark clips and because of that front clip I can’t blend it to my natural hair part so I have to put it pretty forward in my head which adds to it being a little less natural. The last thing I don’t love are the clips themselves, I like the Amazon clips more - they’re a little bigger and more comb-like, which are in my opinion more comfortable on thin hair. I do like the actual hair quality of this one more, but this one was almost $200 more. I’ll still wear it but maybe just at night where it might look a little more natural. One more thing to note that I do have straight hair and I did straighten both this topper and Amazon one to look more natural and flat on lowest heat setting with a lot of care and they both turned out fine. Without the straightening they both looked too fake on me.

  • OM
    Olga M.
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Work with expert

    It was not on my list when I met with expert. Heather gave me time and all information needed to make a right choice. I absolutely love this topper. I wanted something casually blend with my natural hair and cover the part on the crown. It is perfect. I wear it at work and nobody made any comment that something looks different. It takes minutes to clip it on and I am good for the rest of the day. Highly recommended for natural look. Thank you Heather for your time and expertise!

  • S
    Flag of United States
    Verified Buyer
    I recommend this product
    Would you recommend this style? Yes
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 year ago
    Perfect volume piece

    I wore this topper for my wedding along with some hair extensions. They were perfect! I went off of hormonal birth control because of how it affected my mood and as a result my androgenetic alopecia became much more apparent. This piece hid my scalp and made me feel beautiful on my day!

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