Toppiece 4003 | Topper aus Echthaar (Mono-Basis) | NICHT VERFÜGBAR
Louis Ferre
Color: Sunny Blonde Brown PPC MAIN IMAGE FB MAIN IMAGE
Toppiece 4003 | Topper aus Echthaar (Mono-Basis) | NICHT VERFÜGBAR
Louis Ferre
$950.00 $760.99
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Louis Ferre

Toppiece 4003 | Topper aus Echthaar (Mono-Basis) | NICHT VERFÜGBAR

Toppiece 4003 | Topper aus Echthaar (Mono-Basis) | NICHT VERFÜGBAR

Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
5 Reviews
Normaler Preis $760.99
Normaler Preis $950.00 Verkaufspreis $760.99

Toppiece 4003 von Louis Ferre

TP 4003 von Louis Ferre ist ein hochwertiges Oberteil aus Echthaar, das vielseitig und natürlich ist. Es kann am Haaransatz oder etwas dahinter getragen werden, um es in Ihr eigenes Haar zu integrieren. Die große Basis bietet Abdeckung oben und verleiht Ihrem gesamten Haar Dicke und Volumen. Das Haar ist 10 Zoll lang und kann glatt, lockig oder gewellt gestylt werden. Es kann verwendet werden, um Abdeckung, Highlights oder einen Pony hinzuzufügen. Lassen Sie es von Ihrem Friseur trimmen oder schneiden, um die gewünschte Frisur zu erhalten.

Die große, runde Basis misst 7 x 6 Zoll und hat 4 druckempfindliche Clips. Die Monofilament-Basis ist transparent und handgebunden, um natürliches Volumen, Bewegung und Styling-Optionen zu bieten. Der Polyurethan-Umrand ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Clips zu entfernen und Klebeband oder Klebstoff zu verwenden. Dieses Oberteil ist ideal für jede Frau, die Fülle oder Volumen möchte und den natürlichsten Look möchte.

**Top Piece 4003 hat die gleiche Grundkonstruktion wie Top Piece 4004**


  • Echthaar in Premiumqualität
  • Monofilament-Oberteil
  • 7 x 6 Zoll Basis
  • 4 druckempfindliche Clips

    Artikelnummer: LFTP4003
    Produktart: Haarteil
    Haartyp: Menschliches Haar
    Ideale Gesichtsform: Rund, Quadrat, Raute, Länglich, Birne, Herz, Oval
    Kappenkonstruktion: Monofilament-Oberteil
    Produktgewicht: 2,4 Unzen
    Gesamtlänge: 10"
    Grundmaß: 7" x 6"


    Kundenfreundliche Rücksendungen

    ✓ 45 Tage (ab ursprünglichem Versanddatum)

    ✓ 0 $ Wiedereinlagerungsgebühr (keine Gebühren, im Ernst!)

    ✓ Schnelle Rückerstattungen (auf Ihre ursprüngliche Zahlungsmethode)

    ✓ Vorausbezahltes Versandetikett* (oder verwenden Sie Ihr eigenes)

    *Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie in den Geschäftsbedingungen .

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    Schützen Sie Ihre Pakete in den USA vor Verlust, Diebstahl oder Beschädigung.*

    • Beim Transport verloren gegangen
    • Vor der Haustür gestohlen
    • Beschädigte Pakete

    *Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie in den Geschäftsbedingungen .

    Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
    Based on 5 reviews
    Total 5 star reviews: 3 Total 4 star reviews: 0 Total 3 star reviews: 2 Total 2 star reviews: 0 Total 1 star reviews: 0
    60%would recommend this product
    5 reviews
    • A
      Flag of United States
      Verified Buyer
      I recommend this product
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars
      5 years ago
      Gorgeous color

      This item has changed my life. The color is gorgeous, natural and very matchable with good salon products. My natural hair blended really well with the piece and it was easy to put on .

    • A
      Verified Buyer
      I recommend this product
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars
      6 years ago
      Cafe Latte

      I like this piece. I have purchased it before from another site before I realized does the 50% off LF sale every June. I really like this piece and this color. Cafe Latte is a golden brown with highlights. I color the roots on this piece myself to make them darker and more realistic and then it looks so natural on me. This isn’t the best quality HH but it’s a great deal for what you pay. This is great for those who can’t stand synthetic yet can’t pay the big bucks for super pricey HH.

    • A
      Verified Buyer
      Rated 3 out of 5 stars
      6 years ago
      Great Hair, Underwhemling Customer Service

      Love the topper. It's a LOT of hair, so if that's what you're looking for, this is it. Personally, I think it's too much hair near the front so I'm having it slightly thinned. I have baby fine, thinning hair, so it's a big transition. The downside to the transaction was my one call to customer service. I obviously reached a reluctant participant because she didn't ask one question or make any attempt to "consult". She answered my questions about returns/exchanges and when I expressed uncertainty, she made a recommendation for a model that was an inch shorter. She didn't know if it was less hair. Not helpful. Then she recommended a different line that was 4x the cost. From all the reviews I've read on here about how great the service is, I expected much more. First time hair-buyers don't KNOW what we don't know - we don't know what to ask. We don't know whether to commit to this pricey purchase or try something else. We need enthusiastic, knowledgeable customer service consultants who help us get comfortable with our purchase or find out what we really need by asking us questions.

    • FV
      Frances V.
      Verified Buyer
      I recommend this product
      Rated 5 out of 5 stars
      7 years ago
      Good quality hairpiece

      I was pleasantly surprised when I received the hair topper as it ended up being a better quality that I expected. It was a great deal as I took advantage of the 50% off sale. I received the item quickly and in good condition. I have ordered twice from and so far so good. I will definitely order from them again.

    • A
      Verified Buyer
      Rated 3 out of 5 stars
      7 years ago

      I had a hard time navigating the site. Then I couldn't remember the discount code correctly. It took several days to finally get my discount after the purchase. The hairpiece was nice though.

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