We noticed something...

From the answers you gave us during the quiz we've concluded that you have a very unique hair loss case. At wigs.com we always want our customers to be well informed about all their possible options before they make any purchases. Sometimes discovering those options require a more custom and hands on approach that our automated quiz won't always be capable of doing. 

We fully recognize this and instead we want to offer you a free virtual consultation with one of our very own Wig Experts! This way you'll have a professional to guide you through your Hair Topper journey!

We noticed something...

From the answers you gave us during the quiz we've concluded that you have a very unique hair loss case. At wigs.com we always want our customers to be well informed about all their possible options before they make any purchases. Sometimes discovering those options require a more custom and hands on approach that our automated quiz won't always be capable of doing. 

We fully recognize this and instead we want to offer you a free virtual consultation with one of our very own Wig Experts! This way you'll have a professional to guide you through your Hair Topper journey!