Have you ever heard phrases like “Paradise is where you are?” and “Just choose happy!”…. when you are not in the right mood, don’t they want to make you scream?! Well, actually, your attitude is such a powerful component of your joy in life. As much as we may cringe at hearing it, there is truth there. We may not always feel like it, but, we do have the ability to change our moods with nothing but our thoughts.
Joy: a state of happiness. The emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires. At the risk of sounding trivial, don’t we all just want to look and feel our best? Yeah… I know... world peace and all that… But, in our daily lives, don’t we want to be healthy and happy for the most part? Health isn’t always within our control, but how we deal with the adversities in life can be!
We wanted to focus this month on the Spirit of Joy! Joy is a noun... but the verb is REJOICE! The word Joy literally comes from the word rejoice. I think this is pretty profound as joy does come from the action of rejoicing. Counting our blessings… choosing happy even when you have other choices that make more sense! How we feel reflects on how we look. Let me say that again… How we feel… reflects on how we look! Yes!
The team here at Wigs.com is so focused on helping our clients find their true beauty. Which is just as much about what is inside as what is on the outside of each of us. Yes… we can make sure you have perfect and beautiful hair (that part is easy for us;), but if you hate the reason you have to wear hair, you may not get to experience the true joy of being able to have great hair in a minute! Easy to forget being thankful for having a wig when you can’t let go of the hurt or frustration for the reason that put you there.
Joy comes when you can look at yourself in the mirror and find what works, not what doesn’t! We are extremely thankful for our clients and the platform we have to reach so many women. We want to spread a positive and accepting vibe through our community. It is time we embrace our differences and the beauty in them… and we ALL have beauty to celebrate!
Your hair can look flawless but if you refuse to love yourself and accept your true beauty, you will not find joy in that perfect do! And we think that is a don’t! 😉
So, this month, please celebrate JOY with us! Rejoice in the season that allows us to count our blessings, and reflect on where we got it right! We are hoping to spread the love and the joy we are so thankful for here in our company and in our huge community of clients who we feel are beautiful and deserve to feel that way! So, we ask you to take a quick look at yourself in the mirror and find one thing that you are thankful for and REJOICE!