Natural Looking Clip In Hair Extensions

Natural Looking Clip In Hair Extensions

Spring and Summer seasons are just around the corner and I am already beginning to think about what I could try to elevate my looks as the warm air graces the winds. But where to begin? Color, new cut, the options are virtually endless. Cutting my hair has usually been a good option - if for no other reason to get the hair off the back of my neck to help get me cooler - but now that my hair has been long for so long, I am not so sure I am willing to give up my long locks.

There is also another problem… I love my natural hair color. Don’t get me wrong, I have been excited about all of the new color trends I have seen gracing my Instagram feed, I just can never seem to pull the trigger and potentially never be my natural hair color again. And, we’ve all seen botched boxed hair dye disasters that end up destroying your friend’s hair for months before returning to some semblance of what it used to be. So naturally, I began to look into less permanent or drastic options, and I have come up with a few that may work for you if you have similar concerns to mine.


Pop of Color

I have been looking for ways to add pops of color to my looks over the years, but have never found a way that I would feel comfortable altering my actual hair color. But, there was an easy solution I had never even thought of: clip in colored strands! These strands are vibrant, soft and easy to install. You can buy them in a range of colors so that you can have one color or several throughout your hair. These single strands also give you the option to decide exactly where you want these strands to shine through your natural hues.

This item is one of the easiest and best options for someone who is wanting to add some color to their look but isn’t exactly sure how much or which color. Have fun experimenting!

Summer Colored Hair | Color Strips by Hairdo

Clip In Color Strips by Hairdo 

Drop the Curtain

I have always wanted bangs. I don’t know what it is about them, but bangs have always been something that in my mind I have wanted, but never seem to be able to pull the trigger when I visit my hairstylist. Here there is an easy solution: clip in bangs. Though the idea may seem a bit odd, these clip in bangs blend seamlessly and allow you to keep your natural hair style and shape and give you the option to elevate your look whenever you want. This style is very modern and was incredibly simple to wear and go about my day.

Latest Haircuts for Long Hair | Fringe Bang by Hairdo

Clip In Bang by Hairdo 

Sleek Pony with Edge

Ponytails are always weird for me. I always want them to look big and bouncy, while still giving my hair volume. However, I have very thin hair, so this is a very hard task to accomplish. With this clip in ponytail, I don’t have to worry about sacrificing hair in my ponytail to be sure that I have a certain amount of volume on top of my head. 

The style makes it undetectable even when you are up close and personal, and the pop of color adds just the right amount of fun. This piece should be a staple in any woman’s summertime collection.

Long Extensions For Short Hair | Ponytail by hairdo

Color Splash Pony by Hairdo

How are you changing up your look?

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