Wigs.com Guest Blogger: Kim Hammon | Stepping Out of the Box

Wigs.com Guest Blogger: Kim Hammon | Stepping Out of the Box

Oh, if I were eighteen again I'd wear that wig, but I'm just too old for it now." Or, "That wig is gorgeous...but I'm only eighteen and it wouldn’t look good on me. I'm way too young."

Hi my friends! I've been hearing a lot of this lately. I get messages almost daily from women of all ages asking me questions about wigs and saying that they can’t wear a certain style, color, or length of a wig due to their age.


Long Wig With Bangs

Hannah (Kim's daughter) and Kim in Stevie by Amore Wigs

First, never say never! Second, you never know until you try. Third, we ladies have to stop letting our age confine us. When finding a wig that you look and feel comfortable in can sometimes be a trial and error process, but if we allow it, it can also be fun! I personally feel that we are cheating ourselves by saying that something will look bad on us just because we are a certain age. You will never know unless you step out of that comfort zone and try it.


Jamila Plus by Ellen Wille

Kim in Jamila Plus by Ellen Wille

What I've Learned About Wigs

One of many things I've learned as a wig wearer is if I see a wig on a person or wig site and I truly love it, then I go for it. I'm not thinking about my age. I'm thinking about the joy the hair is about to bring me. Now with that being said, I have purchased hair that I wasn't happy with, whether it was due to the color, style, or the way it looked on me...But, I gave it a chance and I tried. If you see me wearing a blonde wig but you’re brunette or vice versa and love my wig, don’t let the color (or your age) make your decision! That’s what is so amazing about wigs, you can truly have it your way.


Jamila Plus by Ellen Wille

Hannah in Jamila Plus by Ellen Wille

Wig manufacturers are making so many different styles and colors today that there is no excuse not to find that perfect wig, whether it’s that old, usual and safe wig, or that new, exciting and daring wig of your dreams.  I'm writing this because I don’t want anyone to lose out on a great wig, because they don’t feel its age appropriate. In my humble opinion, most wigs look good on all ages. Again, we women need to stop putting limitations on ourselves just because we are a certain age. 


Deena by Estetica

Kim in Deena by Estetica

Wigs for All Ages

My daughter is eighteen and when she wants to change her hair color, style, or look without commitment she wears the same wigs as me and I'm fifty! You can make a wig your own just by styling it differently. Don’t let age stop you from being who you are or having the hair you have always dreamed of.

Discouragement can come in many forms, whether from our own lack of confidence, the jealousy of others or just plain hatred. Don’t let anything or anyone steal your joy and excitement of something new.  You are the only one that’s spends 100% of the time with you.  And I believe, my friends, that it is time for many of you to listen to your heart, take that leap, and jump out of the box. It’s your hair, own it!!


Lace Front Bob Wig | Deena by Estetica

Hannah in Deena by Estetica

A favorite quote of mine is: "Stepping outside your comfort zone is supposed to feel uncomfortable, because you’re in new and unfamiliar territory. Being uncomfortable is a sign of success, NOT of failure! So, if we are uncomfortable outside our comfort zones, then that means we are growing!! And that is cause for celebration!". It’s OK to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really really brave. 


Love Kim? Be sure to follow her on her Instagram and YouTube Channel!


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