5 Ways To Smooth Out Your Haircare Routine When Traveling

5 Ways To Smooth Out Your Haircare Routine When Traveling

Whether you are traveling for work or about to embark on a dream vacation, the one thing you don’t want slowing you down is your hair care routine. In our fast-paced world, you need something that will pack light, style quickly, and not hold you up at airport security.

Blow-Out Bars

For the fastest, worry-free, travel regiment, invest in a blow-out bar. Most woman can’t even imagine the horror of getting to your destination only to find your suitcase missing a vital tool for your styling routine.

Save your self the drama of worrying about your straightening iron and forgo all the tools. Spent a minute before traveling to go to a local blow-out bar to have your hair shampooed, dried, and styled to voluminous perfection before you even go. Forgo the stuffing your suitcase and measuring liquid ounces drama and go relatively hair product free.

Blow-outs work nicely for several days, quickly transfer to a loose pony-tails and updos and, when matched with tip #5, could last the whole trip. But if you find yourself needing a refresh, don’t sweat your products left behind. Find a local blow-up bar and merely walk in for a tune-up.


Reusable Travel-Size Bottles

If traveling is a regular occurrence in your life, invest in some study reusable travel size bottles. Fill them with your product before heading out. Not only are you saving money by using what you already have, but you are also protecting your hair from experiencing the sometimes harsh treatment of less the quality products furnished by hotels.

Many salon products also offer their products in travel size form. It’s essential to collect these when possible to keep up your style without having to pay for extra large luggage just to carry around your products.


Travel Pill Case

It’s not always easy to find your product in travel size. Let’s face it too; there are just some things your hair can’t live without. Investing in a small travel medication pill case is the ticket. Fill each section with a small amount of necessary product to take with you. Now you can have your weekly deep conditioner, Palmade, wax, or serum with you no matter how far you travel from home.


Tip: Make sure to try out pill cases before buying. You want one with a firm snap when closing. You can also throw pill case in a small plastic bag before packing.


Brush Up on Travel-Friendly Hairstyles

When you are out exploring a country for the first time, the last thing you want is spending more time in the hotel bathroom getting ready for the day. Before you go, take some time to brush up on some fabulous looking natural styles.

Take the opportunity to get extensions or weaves that will give you a fantastic look without much work. You can wake up for your day ready to explore without having to be weighed down with a tedious morning routine.

Adapt your version of a messy bun. It’s an easy up that looks great and will keep your hair from getting in your way.

Take the opportunity to try that side braid you have always been too scared to try. Whether its just braiding back your bangs or incorporating all your hair, its a comfortable style that will keep you looking your best on the go.  


Dry Shampoo

There is not much that can’t be said about dry shampoo. It is arguably the most significant invention since the curler. Save some time and extend your days between washes by bringing with you a small travel size dry shampoo of your choice. Not only is it going to save you time, but it’s also a great benefit to the health of your hair. Use your time of traveling not to just de-stress from regular life, but also to give your hair a break from daily styling and thereby improving its health.

What are your favorite ways to maintain great hair while traveling?





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