Stories & Interviews

Tanya's Story: Embracing Life After Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a terrifying opponent, one that tested my limits physically and emotionally. Yet, on the other side of the battle, I found a sense of renewal, resilience, and unshakeable appreciation for life. My journey through breast cancer was one of transformation, marked by challenges, triumphs, and irreplaceable lessons. 

Hearing the words “you have breast cancer” felt like the ground was falling out beneath me. I felt fear, uncertainty, and overwhelmed. I cried and cried the first few days after finding out. After that (thanks to my supportive husband, family, and friends), I moved forward to “let’s fight this and get to the other side.”

Treatment was a challenging process - chemotherapy, surgery (double mastectomy and reconstruction), and I can’t forget the countless doctor visits. Each step had its own set of challenges. Chemotherapy was physically and emotionally draining. I was given lots of advice and information about the side effects, and though they were tough because of my amazing treatment team, they were manageable. Yes, my hair fell out (thank goodness for wigs), and I had days when my stomach couldn’t hold things, but the fatigue was like nothing I had ever experienced. I am 46 years old and was used to having so much energy, but now I have none. I was also sad that my taste had changed, and nothing I loved to eat tasted the same; everything was different. This was tough because I love food! Everyone’s experience with chemo is different, and I learned this through this process.

During these darkest moments, I discovered a profound inner strength and reunited with my spirituality. Support from family, friends, coworkers, and an incredible medical team became my lifeline, reminding me that I wasn’t alone in the fight.

One influential part of my journey was the community I found. Connecting with breast cancer and other types of cancer survivors, along with family members of those who went through it, provided me with a sense of hope and strength. 

Life after treatment felt like stepping into a new world. Physically, I had changed. Emotionally and spiritually, I had grown. The experience changed my perspective on life, priorities, and what mattered. I found spending time with loved ones and getting back to my regular routine to be so valuable. 

Adjusting to life after breast cancer is finding my new normal, not going back to who I was before. I celebrate small victories like my hair growing back, regaining my energy, and feeling like a new and improved version of myself. 

I have found a sense of gratitude like none I had before. Surviving instilled a new appreciation for life. I cherish the small moments just as much as the big, continue to celebrate each small milestone, and try to approach life daily with joy. Now, I take every opportunity to help others going through this journey by sharing my story and offering any advice asked for. 

Today, I celebrate life and all its ups and downs. I embrace every opportunity to live fully and wholeheartedly. Travel? Well, that’s another opportunity I don’t miss out on and take full advantage of now.

Coming out of the fight with breast cancer, I feel that I have a sense of renewal. Embracing my scars, seen and unseen, as my husband would say, “as a symbol that you are a warrior.” Life is a gift that I hold dear daily. To all those battling breast cancer, know there is a light on the other side. You are stronger than you know; there is a community out there ready to support you.

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